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How can I re-fill form fields that a user filled out after I've redirected them back to the form when there was an error?

Short version:

  • I have a form with over 100 fields and each field has server-side validation.
  • I have the form working and data being submitted successfully; I'm even redirecting them back to the form when there are errors with the validation, and displaying what error in specific happened.
  • When they're redirected back to the (massive) form, all of their data is gone and they need to type it again.

I have already thought of a couple ways of answering my own question, but they aren't the most elegant solutions out there.

My current thought process is: save all of their inputted data as $_SESSION variables -- and whenever they load the form, do an if statement around each input, as such;

if(isset($_SESSION['foo_data'])) {

    echo "<input type='text' name='foo' value='$_SESSION["foo_data"]'>";

} else {

    echo "<input type='text' name='foo' placeholder='Enter your text here...'>";


This method will work , but it also involves an immensely tedious definition of 140+ session variables, followed by an even more tedious and immense creating if/else statements around EVERY form field.

Is there any better way to do this?

Additional info: using plain php, no frameworks of any kind.

Sessions are unnecessary. Your basic plan should be:

  • Get variables from $_POST()
  • Validate form values.
  • Create an array with the values that passed validation.
  • Use the array to fill the values when redirected to the form.

Before I started using CodeIgniter, I used to use if statements to validate and generate error messages like this:

if ( ! empty($_POST['email'])){
    if ($this->verifyInput($_POST['email'], 6)){
        $fill['email'] = $_POST['email'];//$fill is the array of values that passed validation
    } else $tally++;//$tally keeps a running count of the total number of erors

I make a function call to $this->verifyInput which accepts the field value and the type of validation to perform--in this case it's 6, which indicates email. Here's my validation function:

function verifyInput($input, $type){
    if ($type == 0)     $pattern =  '/^1$/';//just the number 1
    elseif ($type == 1) $pattern =  '/^[0-9]+$/';//just integers
    elseif ($type == 2) $pattern =  '/^[A-Za-zÁ-Úá-úàÀÜü]+$/';//just letters
    elseif ($type == 3) $pattern =  '/^[0-9A-Za-zÁ-Úá-úàÀÜü]+$/';//integers & letters
    elseif ($type == 4) $pattern =  '/^[A-Za-zÁ-Úá-ú0-9àÀÜü\s()\/\'":\*,.;\-!?&#$@]{1,1500}$/';//text
    elseif ($type == 5) $pattern =  '/^[A-Za-zÁ-Úá-úàÀÜü0-9\']+[A-Za-zÁ-Úá-úàÀÜü0-9 \'\-\.]+$/';//name
    elseif ($type == 6) $pattern = '/^.+@[^\.].*\.[a-z]{2,}$/';//e-mail
    elseif ($type == 7) $pattern = '/^((\(0?[1-9][0-9]\))|(0?[1-9][0-9]))?[ -.]?([1-9][0-9]{3})[ -.]?([0-9]{4})$/';//brazilian phone
    if (preg_match($pattern, $input) == 1) return true;
    else return false;

Once the validation is done, I use the $fill array to prefill the form for each field:

<input class="field" type="text" name="email" value = "<?php echo $fill['email']; ?>"/>

You should also make sure that $fill is iniciated with empty values such as $fill['email']=''; or check to make sure the values are set before filling the input tags:

<input class="field" type="text" name="email" value = "<?php if(isset($fill['email'])) echo $fill['email']; ?>"/>

These are just general guidelines that you can adapt to your needs, but I found this to be a convenient way to handle it.

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