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Button like click effect for Imageview in android

I'm having an imageview which will navigate to another page once it is clicked. Right now when it is clicked user will not be getting any feel that it is clicked. So what i want is to have some effect (like in normal button) at the time of click on the image....can anyone help me?

use style="?android:borderlessButtonStyle" in the xml file. It will show android default click effect.


Try a selector like this

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">

    <item android:state_pressed="true"><shape>
            <solid android:color="#151B8D" />

            <stroke android:width="1dp" android:color="#151B8D" />

            <corners android:bottomLeftRadius="8dp" android:bottomRightRadius="0dp" android:topLeftRadius="0dp" android:topRightRadius="8dp" />

            <padding android:bottom="10dp" android:left="10dp" android:right="10dp" android:top="10dp" />
            <gradient android:angle="270" android:endColor="#151B8D" android:startColor="#151B8D" />

            <stroke android:width="1px" android:color="#000000" />

            <corners android:bottomLeftRadius="8dp" android:bottomRightRadius="0dp" android:topLeftRadius="0dp" android:topRightRadius="8dp" />

            <padding android:bottom="10dp" android:left="10dp" android:right="10dp" android:top="10dp" />


Assuming you are referring to physical not visible feel, use something like this to make a sound and provide haptic feedback:


where iv is your imageview.


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