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std::unique_ptr with derived class

I have a question about the c++11 pointers. Specifically, how do you turn a unique pointer for the base class into the derived class?

class Base
   int foo;

class Derived : public Base
   int bar;


std::unique_ptr<Base> basePointer(new Derived);
// now, how do I access the bar member?

it should be possible, but I can't figure out how. Every time I try using the


I end up with the executable crashing.

Thanks in advance, any advice would be appreciated.

If they are polymorphic types and you only need a pointer to the derived type use dynamic_cast :

Derived *derivedPointer = dynamic_cast<Derived*>(basePointer.get());

If they are not polymorphic types only need a pointer to the derived type use static_cast and hope for the best:

Derived *derivedPointer = static_cast<Derived*>(basePointer.get());

If you need to convert a unique_ptr containing a polymorphic type:

Derived *tmp = dynamic_cast<Derived*>(basePointer.get());
std::unique_ptr<Derived> derivedPointer;
if(tmp != nullptr)

If you need to convert unique_ptr containing a non-polymorphic type:


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