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Global variables in JavaScript with multiple files

I have a file called index.php. With script tags, it references index.js.

I also have a file called payment.php. With script tags, it references payment.js.

I need to set a variable called seatSelected in index.js and then use it in payment.js. However, I do not want to reference index.js in payment.php.

I have tried to make a file called globals.js, reference it in index.php before index.js containing the following:

var selectedSeat;

function setSelectedSeat(seat){
    selectedSeat = seat;

function getSelectedSeat(){
    return selectedSeat;

And setting the value in index.js with:


Receiving it in payment.js with (referencing globals.ks in payment.php above payment.js):


But it alerts 'undefined'. Am I doing something wrong? How can I reference this variable without referencing the file it is changed in?

You cannot access variables created from another page.

You could use localStorage with cookies as fallback.

function setSelectedSeat(seat){
    if(localStorage) {
      localStorage['selectedSeat'] = JSON.stringify(seat);
    else {
      //add code to store seat in cookie

function getSelectedSeat(){
    if(localStorage) {
      return JSON.parse(localStorage['selectedSeat']);
    else {
      //add code to retrive seat in cookie

You are trying to persist the state of variables while transitioning from one page to another and your application seems to have data that would require session expiry, I suggest you use sessionstorage . With help of polyfills you can give sessionstorage support till IE6 browser.

Benefit of using SessionStorage over LocalStorage

  • Session Storage persists the data only for a particular tab/window and the data is lost when the tab/window is closed.
  • As the data gets expired automatically you don't need to worry about session expiring.
  • You can expire your session at your will as well.
  • The data persists on page refreshes.

But Remember with sessionstorage you can only store strings key-value pattern. And you need to use JSON.stringify and JSON.parse method to store your complex objects in browser memory.

Here you can find a list of polyfills that you can use to provide the support of sessionstorage in non supporting browsers : https://github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/wiki/HTML5-Cross-Browser-Polyfills#web-storage-localstorage-and-sessionstorage

Also you can read the following article to understand sessionstorage and localstorage in a better way: http://diveintohtml5.info/storage.html

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