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Assigning multiple global variables in JavaScript with one function

I've been looking around for a while and cant seem to find a solution to this question.

I have three global variables declared in JavaScript, which haven't been assigned yet such as:


Lets say I have a function which I pass a two parameters, one of them is a url string to make an ajax call to retrieve a JSON object, the other is the global variable which I want to assign the returned JSON to. Thus, I have a function as such:

function getBackList(urlName, globalVariable) {
    type: "GET",
    url: urlName,
    }).done(function (returned_data) {
        globalVariable = $.parseJSON(returned_data);

I want to be able to call the function like:

getBackList("\some\url", GLOBAL_VARIABLE_ONE);

and assign the object to the global.

Now, I realize that using global variables are not recommended and I understand that due to variable hoisting, the arguments passed to a function are locally scoped. However, I need to be able to access these global variables in other functions after they have been assigned.

My question is how can I pass the global variables and assign them into the one function above, without having to create separate functions to assign each one explicitly (which works by the way but creates a lot of code redundancy)?

function getBackList(urlName, globalVariableName) {
       type: "GET",
       url: urlName,
    }).done(function (returned_data) {
        window[globalVariableName] = $.parseJSON(returned_data);

Pass in the global variable's name instead ^^^

global variables are actually members of the window object. So you could do:

function getBackList(x, variableName) {
  // .. stuff ..
  window[variableName] = $.parseJSON(returned_data);

getBackList(x, 'GLOBAL_VARIABLE_ONE');

Javascript won't allow that as it's passing the variable.

If GLOBAL_VARIABLE_ONE is an object it'll pass a reference.


a = {}

a now references the new object.

b = a;

b now references the same object that a references. Note that it does not reference a .

With a = {}; b = a a = {}; b = a , you get

   { }

Then with a['one'] = {} you get

   { one: { } }

In order to achieve what you want you'll want GLOBAL_VARIABLE_ONE to be an object.

So you can do:

getBackList("\some\url", GLOBAL_OBJECT['GLOBAL_VARIABLE_ONE']);

Or you can do:


function getBackList(urlName, globalVariable) {
    type: "GET",
    url: urlName,
    }).done(function (returned_data) {
        globalVariable.json = $.parseJSON(returned_data);

getBackList("\some\url", GLOBAL_VARIABLE_ONE);

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