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Apache lucene inverted index

Does Lucene index use tf-idf as weights? Is it possible to define your own statistics and weights for each document, and "plug" them into Lucene?

Yes, the default scoring algorithm incorporates tf-idf, and is fully documented in the TFIDFSiilarity documentation .

There are a number of ways to customize the scoring of documents.

  • The simplest and most common is to incorporate a boost, either on a field at index time, or on a query term when querying.
  • Many query types modify the scoring used for that query. Examples include ConstantScoreQuery and DisjunctionMaxQuery .
  • The Similarity you use defines the scoring algorithm. You could select a different one (ex. BM25Similarity ).
  • You can implement your own Similarity , Usually by extending a higher-level implementation such as DefaultSimilarity , TFIDFSimilarity , or SimilarityBase

Just go through this example. It may help help you to know how you can bring custom changes in indexing process


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