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Run Borland turbo c++ 10 IDE project from command line

I'm trying to integrate a legacy borland turbo c++ project into jenkins task and I need to be able to compile the project from command line.

Is there any way to get the compiler CLI information from the project so that I could make a batch file that compiles it?

SO: Windows 7

You can get the commands being invoked by C++ Builder by exporting a makefile for the project.

  1. Under menu goto Project -> Export a Makefile .
  2. Once exported open a cmd.exe shell to the generated makefile's location.
  3. Run the makefile with borland's make.exe tool:

    make -B -K -n -f" projectMakefileGoesHere "

    • -B will traverse all the dependencies ignoring age.
    • -K will keep any temp response files used during the build.
    • -n do a dry-run printing the commands that would've been called in an actual build.

The link commands will be in the MAKE0xxx.@@@ response file where " x " is a number assigned by make.

For later versions of C++ Builder, the .cbproj project is actually a msbuild project file. You can use msbuild to print the build commands used for the project. eg.

msbuild " project.cbproj " -p:Configuration=Debug -clp:ShowCommandLine -v:n

Unfortunately, msbuild doesn't have a dry-run option so it'll end up building the project. Another idea is to create a simple logging program that replaces bcc32.exe compiler and ilink32.exe linker. With this, you can see exactly what options and switches are being passed to the tools.

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