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git clone fetches HEAD but git pull does not fetch the latest HEAD after Merge Push operation on a Gerrit Repo

I have a Git Repository and Gerrit review runs on top of this. I have Push/ Push Merge Commit privileges on this repo (which means I can bypass a Gerrit Review and merge code directly as if Gerrit did not exist).

As a part of routine activity, I merged a completed topic(passed and approved in Gerrit) into my master

git merge master-b734912

Updating 08f272e..d265243 This step means my local/master HEAD on SHA-1 08f272e fast-forwarded to d265243 which is as expected


followed by a push to sync up my local with remote

git push gerrit:projectname master The 'gerrit:' alias is defined in ssh config in my user profile

I pull back from remote/master to ensure everything is in sync

git pull gerrit:projectname master on which I get

From gerrit:crs2awips * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD Already up-to-date.

However git log --graph --oneline master shows the updated tree with the new commit as expected

* d265243 git commit message 2
*   08f272e git commit message 1 

Whereas git log --graph --oneline origin/master still shows the last commit before merge.

*   08f272e git commit message 1'

What is even more surprising is that Gerrit Review Web UI shows remote having the commit as updated.

Additionally, cloning the repository now will have a master branch with commit-id as expected.

From the above I conclude...somehow locally HEAD is not updated after git pull and throws it out of sync after every push.

It is kind of inconvenient to clone a fresh repo each time after a PUSH has been done.

Any advice.

Recently I also raised this issue. I believe that issue has some connection to this one.

Ok I am answering my own question here.

In my opinion what might have happened is that link to remotes (references to remote repositories ie do git branch -a . The branches that begin with "remotes/*" is what I am referring here) remained "stale" for some reason I do not understand.

Before my suggestion as a quick check try these steps:

git status should throw message

# On branch master
# Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by X commit(s).
blah blah blah... 

when I see this message my instinct is to do a push

git push remote master ...in this case I was working on master, for which I get

Everything up-to-date which maybe confusing and I go and do a git status for which the same message reappears:

# On branch master
# Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by X commit(s).
blah blah blah... 

use push -f option and check git status to see if the message disappears.

If you still get the same confusing(but correct) message you should probably be suspicious of your remote.

One of comments in a related question pointed me in the right direction.

listing the steps here:

git remote -v throws output

origin  gerrit:project (fetch)
origin  gerrit:project (push)

From gitref add your remotes here and remove origin

git remote add gerrit gerrit:project git remote rm origin git remote -v which should show following:

gerrit  gerrit:project (fetch)
gerrit  gerrit:project (push)

Now do a push -f as follows

git push -f gerrit master will probably yield Everything up-to-date ...but this time it really meant it ;-)

on git status receive

# On branch master

nothing to commit (working directory clean)

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