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Converting Maven project to EAR

I am new to maven. I have created a maven project , in this i have two session beans and i have added all dependencies in pom.xml . I want to conver this project to EAR so that I can deploy it on jboss EAP 6.0 .

I have used <plugin> <artifactId>maven-ejb-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.3</version> <configuration> <ejbVersion>3.1</ejbVersion> </configuration> </plugin>

but it doen't provide the runtime dependencies.

How do i convert maven project to EAR file. How do get all dependencies including project dependencies at runtime.

I would suggest using maven-ear-plugin. The pom.xml would have the following item inside <build><plugins>..</plugins>..</build> listing: (taken from the documentation)

      <!-- configuration elements go here -->

Please also refer to the documentation here: http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-ear-plugin/usage.html .

Maven handles all the dependencies that you list in the <dependencies>...</dependencies> section that follows the above block. For example:


You can get the dependency details, like the above for log4j, from various maven repositories online. ( http://search.maven.org/ , http://mvnrepository.com/ etc.)

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