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How to assign pipeline result to a variable in Bash

I want to assign the "running time" of a script to a variable "realtime". So I tried as below:

realtime = `{ time (echo "mirror -Rv $LocalPath $LocalPath";echo "quit";)|lftp -u s1238262 FTPS://$RemoteHost ; } 2>&1 |grep "real"| awk '{print $2}'`
echo $realtime

But I got a error:

++ grep real
++ awk '{print $2}'
+ realtime = 0m2.403s
./test.sh: line 6: realtime: command not found
+ echo

I tried

realtime = `{ time pwd; } 2>&1 |grep real|awk '{print $2}'`

It did work. But the ftp script did not. Can anyone help me?



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