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#1075 - Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key

I have a serial no. column which is auto increment, but I want enrollment id. to be the primary key and MySQL is just not allowing me to do that. Is there any way around to do that?


You can only define a column as AUTO_INCREMENT if it is a PRIMARY KEY and an INT ( not sure of this but BIGINT will work too ) . Since you want the SerialNo to be set as AUTO_INCREMENT , why not make it as PRIMARY KEY and the EnrollmentID as UNIQUE ?

    EnrollmentID INT UNIQUE,
    -- other columns...


CREATE TABLE tbl_login<\/code> ( id<\/code> int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY , first_name<\/code> varchar(100) NOT NULL, last_name<\/code> varchar(100) NOT NULL, gender<\/code> varchar(30) NOT NULL, email<\/code> varchar(200) NOT NULL, password<\/code> varchar( 200) 非空, address<\/code>文本非空, mobile_no<\/code> varchar(15) 非空) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;


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