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Delphi XE4 FireMonkey TMemo Transparent? (iOS)

Is there any way to make the TMemo transparent in Delphi/iOS/FireMonkey?

I don't see any way to edit styles myself when selecting + right-clicking the memo control...

Try removing memo's background on applying style event.

procedure TForm1.Memo1ApplyStyleLookup(Sender: TObject);
  BckObject: TFmxObject;
  BckObject := Memo1.FindStyleResource('background');
  if Assigned(BckObject) and (BckObject is TSubImage) then
    TSubImage(BckObject).Source := nil;

You need to change the style of the control you want to display transparent as you want. Unfortunately Embarcadero does not provide a fully functional example, only some information on the Customizing FireMonkey Applications with Styles topic

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