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Delphi XE4 iOS open email program not working

I am testing the following code on an iPhone4 (without sim card, but I don't see how that can matter since its mail program is otherwise working fine):

The SharedApplication and canOpenURL etc. are all routines provided by XE4.

procedure TFormMain.sbContactsDetailsEmailClick(Sender: TObject);
  S: string;
  NSU: NSUrl;
 // URL.stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding);
  S := 'mailto:' + 'info@example.com' + '?subject=' + 'title' + '&body=';
  NSU := StringToNSUrl(S);
  if SharedApplication.canOpenURL(NSU) then

Unfortunately, it seems SharedApplication.canOpenURL(NSU) returns false. Am I doing anything wrong?

I should have through of it myself, but here goes:

do work


does not work

'mailto:info@example.com?subject=test test'

(ie solution is to convert spaces to %20)

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