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How can I turn a list of properties into a stringlist?

I have a component with a lot of properties, many of which are types.

For example:

BackgroundStyle = [bsSolid, bsGradient, bsNone]

BorderStyle = [bsNone, bsSingle, bsWide]

I am building a form to allow the user to configure these properties at runtime and I would like to populate some dropdown lists dynamically, rather than having to type all of them in by hand.

Is this possible? Thanks!

Use RTTI for that. Specifically, look at the GetPropInfo() and GetEnumName() functions in the TypInfo unit.

Remy is on the ball with this one. Lately I just happen to do something similar and a bit of refactoring (within a text editor, so you mileage may vary with the complier):

class function TEnumerationRoutines.TitleCaseDescriptionFromOptions<T>: TStrings;
  LRttiContext : TRttiContext;
  LRttiEnumerationType: TRttiEnumerationType;
  LTypeInfo : Pointer;
  LPTypeInfo : PTypeInfo;
  lp: Integer;
  LTypeInfo := TypeInfo(T);

  LPTypeInfo := PTypeInfo(LTypeInfo);
  if LPTypeInfo^.Kind <> tkEnumeration then
    raise Exception.Create('Type is not an enum');

  Result := TStringList.Create;

  LRttiEnumerationType := LRttiContext.GetType(LTypeInfo) as TRttiEnumerationType;

  for lp := LRttiEnumerationType.MinValue to LRttiEnumerationType.MaxValue do
    Result.Add(GetEnumName(LTypeInfo, Ord(lp)));

and call it with:

MyStrings := TEnumerationRoutines.TitleCaseDescriptionFromOptions<BackgroundStyle>;


MyStrings := TEnumerationRoutines.TitleCaseDescriptionFromOptions<BorderStyle>;

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