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Ruby rescue doesn't catch a StandardError

I'm writing tests for a Ruby Rails application, and I have a block of code that is supposed to catch an error thrown by my Redis server if Ruby cannot connect to it. Currently, the code looks like this:

    config.before(:all) { Resque.redis.select 1 }
    config.after(:all) { Resque.redis.keys("queue:*").each { |key| Resque.redis.del key } }
rescue Exception

According to the stack trace when I try to run the tests, the second line of that code snippet -- config.before(:all) {...} -- throws a Redis::CannotConnectError . After a lot of "e.class.superclass.superclass..." commands, I determined that this error inherited from StandardError.

After that I got stuck. I tried catching the error with "rescue Redis::CannotConnectError", then "rescue", and finally "rescue Exception", but the error is still thrown. However, I tried the same things in the Ruby command prompt, and the exception was caught every time

Could anyone help me work out what's happening here? Thanks!

The problem is that the blocks passed to before and after are not being executed at the time they're defined; instead, they're being stored and then called later by Rspec before and after each spec file runs.

You'll probably want to move the begin/rescue within the blocks instead:

config.before(:all) do
    Resque.redis.select 1
  rescue Exception

# same for config.after(:all)

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