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rescue from RestClient::NotFound doesn't work

After RestClient.get "some_url" i get RestClient::NotFound error. Despite having rescue block, i still getting this error instead my custom error, that raising in rescue block:

def get_video(id)
        RestClient.get "#{BASE_URL}/videos/#{id}", headers
rescue RestClient::NotFound
        Rails.logger.info("Video with #{id} vimeo_video_id was not found!")
        raise Vimeo::VimeoVideoNotFoundError

Use the begin keyword also. the gem gave an example also on how to use the various types of Exceptions raised here

def get_video(id)
        RestClient.get "#{BASE_URL}/videos/#{id}", headers
rescue RestClient::NotFound
        Rails.logger.info("Video with #{id} vimeo_video_id was not found!")
        raise Vimeo::VimeoVideoNotFoundError

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