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Not able to remove a Generic List object in c#

SessionResponseList objClientSessionResponseList = new SessionResponseList();
objClientSessionResponseList.QId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["QuestionNumber"]);
objClientSessionResponseList.QAnswer = Session["CurrentAnswer"].ToString();
objSessionResponseList = (List<SessionResponseList>)Session["Answers"];
if (objSessionResponseList.Where(x=>x.QId == objClientSessionResponseList.QId && x.QAnswer==objClientSessionResponseList.QAnswer).Count()>0)
    Session["Answers"] = objSessionResponseList;

//  objSessionResponseList.Remove(objClientSessionResponseList); 
//This isn't working tried everything the values are exact duplicate

Please help.

 public class SessionResponseList{

    public int QId { get; set; }
    public string QAnswer { get; set; }

Instead of creating a new instance you should try getting the instance from the List using FirrstOrDefault and if that is found then remove that instance from the list, currently you are creating a new object and you are trying to remove that from the list.

var itemToBeRemoved = objSessionResponseList
                    x.QId == Convert.ToInt32(Session["QuestionNumber"]) &&
                    x.QAnswer == Session["CurrentAnswer"].ToString();

if(itemToBeRemoved != null) //means item is found in the list

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