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Error in Form Objects in FLUID TYPO3

I created a custom model called Play and it has properties Title and Body with the getters and setters.

In one of my controller Master , I have the new and create actions

public function newAction(\TYPO3\Playground\Domain\Model\Play $newPlay = NULL) {
    $this->view->assign('newPlay', $newPlay);

My View looks like this:

        <f:form action="create" name="newPlay" object="{newPlay}">
                <f:form.textfield property="title"/>
                <f:form.textarea property="body"/>
                    <f:form.submit value="Create"/>

But in my create function in controller I get this error Required argument "newPlay" is not set.

public function createAction(\TYPO3\Playground\Domain\Model\Play $newPlay) {
    echo $newPlay->getBody();
    echo $newPlay->getTitle();

Am I missing something here?


After matching the name to the object and removing the brackets of property for fields, this is the error:

Exception while property mapping at property path "":No converter found which can be used to convert from "array" to "TYPO3\\Playground\\Domain\\Model\\Play".

My Solution to it

I'm very sure there is a neat way than this

public function createAction() {

    $newPlay = json_decode(json_encode($newPlayArray), FALSE);
    echo $newPlay->title;


The name of the form must match the object

<f:form action="create" name="newPlay" object="{newPlay}">

It is used to set the name of the fields.


Have you set PHPDoc comments? These are required and very importan for Extbase development. Example:

 * @param \TYPO3\Playground\Domain\Model\Play $newPlay
 * @dontvalidate $newPlay
public function newAction(\TYPO3\Playground\Domain\Model\Play $newPlay = NULL) {
    $this->view->assign('newPlay', $newPlay);

Try to always pass an object to the view. In your case you most likely pass NULL:

 * @param \TYPO3\Playground\Domain\Model\Play $newPlay
 * @dontvalidate $newPlay
 * @return void
public function newAction(\TYPO3\Playground\Domain\Model\Play $newPlay = NULL) {
    if (is_null($newPlay)) {
        $newPlay = $this->objectManager->create('TYPO3\Playground\Domain\Model\Play');
    $this->view->assign('newPlay', $newPlay);

Leave your form as it is and just take the object in your createAction:

 * @param \TYPO3\Playground\Domain\Model\Play $newPlay
 * @return void
public function createAction(\TYPO3\Playground\Domain\Model\Play $newPlay) {

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