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check if function exists in javascript

How can I check If a prototyped function exists?

A little more explanation:

As you can see in the sample code, I will always have a commonFunction() for both X1 and X2 .

I would like to tell if X1 and X2 have their own myOwnFunction() .

It's important to notice that at first hand I don't know which function I will be calling. That's why I need a dynamic way to gather that information.


function FunctionMain (){};

FunctionMain.FunctionSub = new FunctionSub();

function FunctionX1()
    FunctionX1.prototype.commonFunction = function()
        console.log("Hello, I'm X1");

    FunctionX1.prototype.myOwnFunctionX1 = function()
        console.log("This my own function");

function FunctionX2()
    FunctionX2.prototype.commonFunction = function()
        console.log("Hello, I'm X2");

    //I don't have myOwnFunctionX2()

function FunctionSub()
    FunctionSub.prototype.FunctionX1 = new FunctionX1();
    FunctionSub.prototype.FunctionX2 = new FunctionX2();

//This call works!

//what kind of test should I use?
if(typeof "FunctionMain.FunctionSub.FunctionX1.myOwnFunctionX1" == "function")
    console.log("It exists!");

if(typeof window["FunctionMain.FunctionSub.FunctionX1.myOwnFunctionX1"] == "function")
    console.log("It exists!");

FIDDLE: http://jsfiddle.net/matias/FTzjW/

This is weird, don't do this

function FunctionX2()
    FunctionX2.prototype.commonFunction = function()
        console.log("Hello, I'm X2");

    //I don't have myOwnFunctionX2()

Do this instead

var FunctionX2 = function() {
  // constructor

FunctionX2.prototype.commonFunction = function() {
  console.log("Hello, I'm X2");

Check if it exists directly

typeof FunctionX2.prototype.commonFunction === 'function';
// => true

Or with an instance

var f2 = new FunctionX2();
typeof f2.commonFunction === 'function';
// => true

Here's a demonstration that checking for the function dynamically is possible

var functionExists = function(receiver, functionName) {
  return typeof receiver[functionName] === 'function';

var commonFunctionExists = function(receiver) {
  return functionExists(receiver, 'commonFunction');

Some tests

var f1 = new FunctionX1();
// => true

var f2 = new FunctionX2();
// => true

var obj = new Object();
// => false

This is the solution that worked for me.

Check this jsbin (don't know why this doesn't work in jsfiddle )


function FunctionMain (){}

FunctionMain.FunctionSub = new FunctionSub();

function FunctionX1()
    FunctionX1.prototype.commonFunction = function()
        console.log("Hello, I'm X1");

    FunctionX1.prototype.myOwnFunctionX1 = function()
        console.log("This my own function");

function FunctionX2()
    FunctionX2.prototype.commonFunction = function()
        console.log("Hello, I'm X2");

    //I don't have myOwnFunctionX2()

function FunctionSub()
    FunctionSub.prototype.FunctionX1 = new FunctionX1();
    FunctionSub.prototype.FunctionX2 = new FunctionX2();

//This call works!

//use this test
function testFunction(function_to_find)
    var context = window;
    var functions = function_to_find.split(".");
    var method = functions.pop();

    for (var i = 0; i < functions.length; i++)
        context = context[functions[i]];

    return typeof context[method];

if(testFunction("FunctionMain.FunctionSub.FunctionX1.myOwnFunctionX1") == "function") console.log("yes x1!");

if(testFunction("FunctionMain.FunctionSub.FunctionX2.myOwnFunctionX2") == "function") console.log("yes x2!");

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