I'm building a Stored Procedure meant to be run daily. Due to how the data is provided me, some days some of the columns necessary for the output are ...
I'm building a Stored Procedure meant to be run daily. Due to how the data is provided me, some days some of the columns necessary for the output are ...
I'm trying to write a short script in Perl to go through a an array of strings provided by the user, check in a hash table to see if there are vowels ...
I create my gcloud scheduler in command line with but when I already deploy my gitlabCI, i got already exist error. is it possible to overwrite if ...
So I have the following query: Where I only want the results that respect the conditions inside parenthesis. What SQL Server tells me is: Only ...
I need to write a query that will run on different versions of a database. Some of them have a column named Delflag and some don't. If the column exis ...
I have 2 tables, Products and Orders. If somebody creates an order, I want Product_Name01 from Orders to be filled in by the Product_Name from Product ...
New to SQL and i'm working on a separate network so i can't share snippets (sorry) so bare with me please. I have a stored procedure that has a table ...
I have a RoadInsp table in Oracle 18c. I've put the data in a CTE for purpose of this question: I'm using GIS software that only lets me use SQL ...
I need to assert the existence of a generated staticText on the screen. The staticText's label is the result of: An input text done by the user (v ...
Say I have a set of rules that have a validation function that returns IO[Boolean] at runtime. Now I have to iterate through these rules and see "i ...
I have a parent and child table where a parent reference number has multiple entries in child table with status Pending, Success and Rejected. I need ...
I have the following table With the following data sample In addition, I have another table tournaments With data The values for R1, R2, R ...
I have a database with a table that lists all medications that are prescribed for each patient. I'm trying to filter to obtain patients that have bee ...
I have two tables, tournaments and pinsheets. The tables looks as follows: Sample of data: and Sample: Table tournaments contains of all t ...
I have a table like user_id thing_id start end 1 1 2022-01-01 2022-01-31 ...
this are sample documents of the collection, I'm trying to increment age and cat.age by 1, using db.people.updateMany({},{$inc:{age:1,'cat.age':1}} ...
I have a table with Date, ID and Volume such as in below: Date ID Volume 23/11/22 999 10 ...
I have two table: table1: colName table2: colNewName How to write query, to check if values from table1 exist into table2? expect Result: ...
I have a two tables: wallets movements where the relationship is wallet.id = movements.wallet_id I want to check if any wallet has done a ce ...
error correction. I have to include cos and sin functions in my model.But it is showing error.I have tried the expression Math.cos and Opl.cos But bot ...