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how to Increment optional sub-fields using $inc operator?

this are sample documents of the collection,

    _id: ObjectId("637f1128d8298d42bae0d4fc"),
    name: 'Iska Paphat',
    age: 8,
    cat: { name: 'Malone Poppelhoffen', age: 7 }
    _id: ObjectId("637f1128d8298d42bae0d4fd"),
    name: 'Elbow Frank',
    age: 67
    _id: ObjectId("637f1128d8298d42bae0d4fe"),
    name: 'Frank Frank',
    age: 49,
    cat: { name: 'Pirate Yolanda', age: 4 }
    _id: ObjectId("637f1128d8298d42bae0d4ff"),
    name: 'Fluffy Yolanda',
    age: 66

I'm trying to increment age and cat.age by 1, using db.people.updateMany({},{$inc:{age:1,'cat.age':1}}) , this command adds {cats:{age:1}} in fields which has no cat subfields.

    _id: ObjectId("637f03bcd8298d42bae0d110"),
    name: 'Elbow Pirate',
    age: 5,
    cat: { age: 1 }
    _id: ObjectId("637f03bcd8298d42bae0d111"),
    name: 'Malone Foxton',
    age: 45,
    cat: { age: 1 }
    _id: ObjectId("637f03bcd8298d42bae0d112"),
    name: 'Fluffy Poppelhoffen',
    age: 1,
    cat: { age: 1 }

how to $inc both cat's age and person age without adding cat field in single query ?

You want to be using pipelined updates for this. this allows us to incorporate some more complex logic, in this case only increment the age field if the cat exists.

    $set: {
      age: {
        $sum: [
      cat: {
        $cond: [
            $eq: [
            $mergeObjects: [
                age: {
                  $sum: [

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