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django Apache httpd.conf Setup


  • WampServer 2.2 64 bit (Edit: I believe I actually had the 32 bit version)
  • Apache 2.2.22
  • mod_wsgi 3.4 64bit: courtesy of this site
  • Python 3.3.2 64 bit
  • django 1.5.1

The python -c "import django; print(django.get_version())" test works perfectly so I know django is installed correctly.

I have added the LoadModule line in httpd.conf to load mod_wsgi.so file and the server restarts with no problems.

Update: Running the startup project on the development server works.

I am trying to get through tutorial #1 and get the startupproject demo up and running. As suggested by the tutorial I put my code outside the document root in a folder called www-src (got a better name?). The DocumentRoot of my wampserver is DocumentRoot "c:/wamp/www/" .

The file structure is as follows:

|- C:
    |- wamp
        |- www (DocumentRoot)
        |- www-src
            |- first_django_site
                |- first_django_site
                |   |- __pycache__
                |   |   |- __init__.cpython-33.pyc
                |   |   |- settings.cpython-33.pyc
                |   |   |- urls.cpython-33.pyc
                |   |   |- wsgi.cpython-33.pyc
                |   |- __init__.py
                |   |- settings.py
                |   |- urls.py
                |   |- wsgi.py
                |- first_django_site.conf
                |- manage.py

I want the url to be localhost/first-django-site in order to separate it from the normal php www projects already in wamp.

What is the way to write paths to access stuff outside the document root? I am not sure if "../" works.

Here are the multiple methods I have tried to write the appropriate apache httpd.conf. What is the best method and correct way to do this?

Block 1:

WSGIScriptAlias /first-django-site "../www-src/first_django_site/first_django_site/wsgi.py"
WSGIPythonPath "../www-src/first_django_site"

<Directory "../www-src/first_django_site/first_django_site">
Order deny,allow
Require all granted

Block 2:

Alias /www-src-alias/ "c:/wamp/www-src/"

<Directory "c:/wamp/www-src/">
    Order deny,allow
    Require all granted

# alias is way above in the <Ifmodule> so redacted

WSGIScriptAlias /first-django-site "/www-src-alias/first_django_site/first_django_site/wsgi.py"
WSGIPythonPath "/www-src-alias/first_django_site"

<Directory "/www-src-alias/first_django_site/first_django_site">
Order deny,allow
Require all granted

Block 3:

Include "../www-src/first_django_site/first_django_site.conf"


<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName localhost
    #ServerAlias www.mysite.com

    WSGIScriptAlias /first-django-site "../www-src/first_django_site/first_django_site/wsgi.py"
    WSGIPythonPath "../www-src/first_django_site"

    <Directory "../www-src/first_django_site/first_django_site">
    Order deny,allow
    Require all granted

Block 4: This gives a 500 internal server error.

WSGIScriptAlias /first-django-site "C:/wamp/www-src/first_django_site/first_django_site/wsgi.py"
WSGIPythonPath "C:/wamp/www-src/first_django_site"

<Directory "C:/wamp/www-src/first_django_site/first_django_site">
    <Files wsgi.py>
        Order deny,allow
        Require all granted

I had assumed I was using the 64 bit version of WAMP but although I am still unsure if I am using 32 or 64 bit WAMP, I have concluded I am using 32 bit.

I used the 32 bit version mod_wsgi.so, restarted the server and it worked.

I used this block of code to run the server (below) and I can access it from: http://localhost/first-django-site

WSGIScriptAlias /first-django-site "C:/wamp/www-src/first_django_site/first_django_site/wsgi.py"
WSGIPythonPath "C:/wamp/www-src/first_django_site/"

<Directory "C:/wamp/www-src/first_django_site/first_django_site/">
    <Files wsgi.py>
        Order deny,allow
        Require all granted

I have also downloaded the new WampServer 2.4 64 bit and have also successfully set up the django startproject with the mod_wsgi.so 64 bit.

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