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Exporting usable .jar files from GitHub project

I'm rather new to java and eclipse, and I would like to get jar files from this github project:


I've tried doing so in eclipse, but I can't import the project as a java project, and (I think) for this reason I am not able to use the Export feature to obtain jar files for the project. What is the easiest/best way to go about this?


This is the easiest way, assuming you dowloaded the zip file containg the .java source files from github:

  1. Unzip the zip file into a folder in your Eclipse workspace, say omegle-api-java-master .
  2. In Eclipse, select New->Java Project and name it omegle-api-java-master . Eclipse will create a project from the source in your workspace, and set it up with a java builder.
  3. Import any required jars to get it to compile (for example the project page states you need https://github.com/douglascrockford/JSON-java ). You can extract that in your workspace in the same way and then import it into your Omegle project by right clicking on the Omegle project, selecting Properties , going to Java Build Path , selecting the Projects tab, and clicking the Add button.
  4. Once everything is compiling, right click on the Omegle project, select Export -> Java -> JAR file , which will create your jar file for you.

I assume that you have an Android library (downloaded a GitHub repository of the library) and found that it doesn't contain pom.xml . If you have this file, see How to Create a jar file from github project .

  1. Open a folder of the library and add local.properties file with a path to your Android SDK (for instance, sdk.dir=D\\:\\\\Android\\\\SDK ). Otherwise you can see an error: SDK location not found. Define location with sdk.dir in the local.properties file or with an ANDROID_HOME environment variable SDK location not found. Define location with sdk.dir in the local.properties file or with an ANDROID_HOME environment variable .

  2. In command prompt (cmd.exe) run gradlew build . If it will throw Android exceptions, maybe you should switch to master branch of the library and build again.

  3. If everything was normal see subfolders and look for build\\libs folders inside. There you can find jar -files.

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