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WPF C# Changing label content in code here doesn't reflect

I have a Label here in XAML. If I set the content in the XAML side, it will display. But when I try to set the content in code behind, it doesn't display as it shows:

My code:

if (Application.Current.Resources["Values"] != null)
    string score = Application.Current.Resources["Values"].ToString();
    labelscore.Content = score;           

I have checked the vale of the resource, the value is there but I can't display it.

My XAML side:

<Label Height="30" Width="100" Name="labelscore" FontWeight="Bold" FontSize="15" />

Try temporarily changing your line of code to

labelscore.Content = "TEST STRING";

and comment out the following line

if (Application.Current.Resources["Values"] != null)

If the Label displays the text, then your Resources are the problem.

Alternatively, try binding the value from your code behind to the Label . This is generally the preferred method when using WPF.

<Label Height="30" Width="100" Binding="{Binding Values}" ... />

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