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Parse.com Error: Too many recursive calls into Cloud Code

I'm just trying to create a basic recursive function that returns a result once it reaches a certain number. However I keep getting this error. Anyone have any ideas whats wrong here?

Here is my code:

GLOBAL = {};
GLOBAL.cnt = 0; 

Parse.Cloud.define('recursiveTest', function(request, response)

    if(GLOBAL.cnt >= 2) {

    request = {};

    Parse.Cloud.run('recursiveTest', request, response);        

Here is the full error:

{"code":141,"error":"{\\"code\\":141,\\"message\\":\\"{\\\\"code\\\\":141,\\\\"message\\\\":\\\\"{\\\\\\\\"code\\\\\\\\":141,\\\\\\\\"message\\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\\"{\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"code\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\":141,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"message\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"{\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"code\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\":124,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"message\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Too many recursive calls into Cloud Code\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"}\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"}\\\\\\\\"}\\\\"}\\"}"}

It looks like your function is infinitely recursive. Maybe you wanted to do this?

Parse.Cloud.define('recursiveTest', function(request, response)

    if(GLOBAL.cnt >= 2) {
        // added `return` here
        return response.success(GLOBAL.cnt);   

    request = {};

    // added `return` here
    return Parse.Cloud.run('recursiveTest', request, response);        

In any case, you have to return to terminate the recursion at some point, since otherwise the function will run forever (or practically until you get a too much recursion error) without ever delivering the desired result.

I figured out somewhat of a workaround. It works in my situation at least:

Parse.Cloud.define('recursiveTest', function(request, response)
    function doRecursive(cnt)

        if(cnt >= 2) {


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