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Spring Integration <inbound-channel-adapter> Rabbit MQ getting disconnected

We are working on a POC to use Spring integration and Rabbit MQ. We have two modules producer module and consumer module both are runs in different JVMs. The Producer module listen on a Folder (input folder) as soon as new files arrives, creates a message then push to (incoming.q.in) queue and also move to process folder.

The Consumer module then pickups the messages from the incoming.q.in Queue then process the files them move to complete folder.

Both Producer and Consumer code is working fine but after some ideal item then consumer module is getting disconnecting from Rabbit MQ. We see messages in incoming.q.in queue but the consumer is not processing.

When I logged into Rabbit MQ Admin/Management tool “incoming.q.in” consumer list is empty and the message is “... no consumers ...”.
The consumer code

<int-amqp:inbound-channel-adapter channel="inBoundfile" queue-names="incoming.q.in" connection-factory="connectionFactory"
<int:header-enricher input-channel="inBoundfile" output-channel="serviceInbound">
    <int:header name="FILEID" expression="payload.fileID" />
<int:service-activator ref="routerService" method="processFile" input-channel="serviceInbound" output-channel="fileHandler.router.in" />

I appreciate your help.

Turn on DEBUG logging on the consumer side; you'll see lots of logging and reconnection attempts if/when a connection is lost.

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