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Linux qemu reset the register

I program assembly under Linux, compile it and put it in a virtual flash:

dd if=myProgramm.bin of=flash.bin bs=4096 conv=notrunc

dd if=myProgramm.bin of=myProgramm.bin bs=4096 conv=notrunc

Now I load the flash into the qemu emulator:

qemu-system-arm -M connex -pflash flash.bin -nographic -serial /dev/null

Here i can see the registers via

info registers

The problem is, when I now create a new flash, the old flash still is in the qemu emulator until i restart the emulator with


and the Linux command qemu-system

How can I reload the flash without complete restart the whole emulator?

As for my understanding once you flashed the image in qemu you cannot update image. suppose when you run any system using qemu which contains linux kernel zImage and rootfs with qemu-system-arm .... args. If u want to reboot it . the qemu quits and once again you have to laod with arguments.

So in qemu as for my knowledge u cannot reload the flash without complete restart the qemu.

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