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Intelligent folder in windows using batch file to copy files

I would like to move a file from dir1 to dir2 if its size is not changing anymore (fully processed). A possible attend would be to ask size0(at 0s) and size10(at 10s) and if size0=size10 than move file from dir1 to dir2.

How to do it in command line on windows xp?

try this:

CD /d dir1
FOR %%a IN (file) DO SET "size=%%~za"
PING -n 10 localhost >NUL
FOR %%a IN (file) DO IF %%~za equ %size% (move "%%~a" dir2) ELSE GOTO :loop

Something like this might work:

@echo off


set "file=C:\path\to\your.file"
set "destination=D:\some\folder"

call :GetSize "%file%" s1
call :Sleep 10
call :GetSize "%file%" s2
if %s1% neq %s2% goto loop

call :MoveUnlessExists "%file%"

goto :eof

set "%~2=%~z1"
goto :eof

set /a "n=%1+1"
ping -n %n% >nul
goto :eof

if not exist "%destination%\%~nx1" move "%~f1" "%destination%\"
goto :eof

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