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Code Analysis (FXCop) Command line differences

We are currently running code analysis in release mode, when we run the code analysis in our dev environments, through the Visual Studio IDE we get 2 errors :

1) CA1506 Avoid excessive class coupling

2) CA1823 Avoid unused private fields

When we check in we have a gated check in on a build server which gets the latest sources runs units tests and Code Analysis. The server does not pick up these errors.

I have checked to ensure its using the same rule-set and that the projects are not excluded from being run. The only difference is that the Build server uses the command line to run Code Analysis and not the IDE. The server does use VS2010 and we use VS2012 but I tried on another dev pc which ran VS2010 and the errors appeared, so it really seems its the command line tool...

Has anyone experienced this issue before?

Thanks in advance.

事实证明,问题出在我们正在运行FxCopCmd 10.0版的Build服务器上,并且在升级到11之后,问题得以解决。

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