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drawing heatmap with dendrogram along with sample labels

Using the heatmap function of made4 , I made this heatmap dendrogram from the example file:

heatplot(khan$train[1:30,], lowcol="blue", highcol="red")

How can I add a panel of labels for the samples on the edges of the heatmap, like in this figure?


The labels in this case are the squares that are adjacent to the heatmap first col and top row, used to denote a label for each sample so that one can see if the labels correspond with the clustering shown by the heatmap/dendrogram. In this particular plot they chose to make those labels correspond exactly to the colors of the dendrogram clusters but it doesn't have to be this way, I'm looking for way to just add a generic column and row of labels to the samples which might not correspond to the clustering resulting from applying a particular threshold of the dendrogram.

The heatmap function and the khan data is from made4 :


see http://www.bioinf.ucd.ie/people/aedin/R/pages/made4/html/heatplot.html

I'm happy to use alternatives to heatplot that can draw the same thing, a heatmap with two dendrograms along the side based on hierarchical clustering. heatplot is just an example.

When I try heatmap.2 like @HeatherTurner suggested I get this image (not sure how to turn off row/column labels on matrix to make it less clustered):


The heatmap looks corrupted. Here's code that reproduces this with a small data set:


which generates this: 在此处输入图片说明

What is causing these corrupted looking heatmaps?

update : apologies, I think the heatmaps are not corrupted it's just the trace column is on which causes the cyan line to be drawn through heatmap. setting trace=none resolves the issue.

ps it looks like heatmap has RowSideCols , which might be same argument?

Try the heatmap.2 function from the gplots package, which has arguments RowSideColors and ColSideColors to create side bars.

If this doesn't meet your needs, the heatmap.plus package allows further customisation, such as multiple colour side bars.

There is a new package called 'fheatmap' in R .

cpan fheatmap

I couldn't post image as I am new to blog.But check out examples in the manual.

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