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printing a two dimensional array in python

I have to print this python code in a 5x5 array the array should look like this :

0 1 4 (infinity) 3
1 0 2 (infinity) 4
4 2 0  1         5
(inf)(inf) 1 0   3
3 4 5   3        0

can anyone help me print this table? using indices.

for k in range(n):
        for i in range(n):
            for j in range(n):
                if A[i][k]+A[k][j]<A[i][j]:

A combination of list comprehensions and str joins can do the job:

inf = float('inf')
A = [[0,1,4,inf,3],

print('\n'.join([''.join(['{:4}'.format(item) for item in row]) 
      for row in A]))


   0   1   4 inf   3
   1   0   2 inf   4
   4   2   0   1   5
 inf inf   1   0   3
   3   4   5   3   0

Using for-loops with indices is usually avoidable in Python, and is not considered "Pythonic" because it is less readable than its Pythonic cousin (see below). However, you could do this:

for i in range(n):
    for j in range(n):
        print '{:4}'.format(A[i][j]),

The more Pythonic cousin would be:

for row in A:
    for val in row:
        print '{:4}'.format(val),

However, this uses 30 print statements, whereas my original answer uses just one.

There is always the easy way.

import numpy as np

I used numpy to generate the array, but list of lists array should work similarly.

import numpy as np
def printArray(args):
    print "\t".join(args)

n = 10

Array = np.zeros(shape=(n,n)).astype('int')

for row in Array:
    printArray([str(x) for x in row])

If you want to only print certain indices:

import numpy as np
def printArray(args):
    print "\t".join(args)

n = 10

Array = np.zeros(shape=(n,n)).astype('int')

i_indices = [1,2,3]
j_indices = [2,3,4]

for i in i_indices:printArray([str(Array[i][j]) for j in j_indices])

其中 mat 是指您的矩阵对象的变量

for i in A:
    print('\t'.join(map(str, i)))

using indices, for loops and formatting:

import numpy as np

def printMatrix(a):
   print "Matrix["+("%d" %a.shape[0])+"]["+("%d" %a.shape[1])+"]"
   rows = a.shape[0]
   cols = a.shape[1]
   for i in range(0,rows):
      for j in range(0,cols):
         print "%6.f" %a[i,j],

def printMatrixE(a):
   print "Matrix["+("%d" %a.shape[0])+"]["+("%d" %a.shape[1])+"]"
   rows = a.shape[0]
   cols = a.shape[1]
   for i in range(0,rows):
      for j in range(0,cols):
         print("%6.3f" %a[i,j]),

inf = float('inf')
A = np.array( [[0,1.,4.,inf,3],


which yields the output:

     0      1      4    inf      3
     1      0      2    inf      4
     4      2      0      1      5
   inf    inf      1      0      3
     3      4      5      3      0

 0.000  1.000  4.000    inf  3.000
 1.000  0.000  2.000    inf  4.000
 4.000  2.000  0.000  1.000  5.000
   inf    inf  1.000  0.000  3.000
 3.000  4.000  5.000  3.000  0.000

In addition to the simple print answer, you can actually customise the print output through the use of the numpy.set_printoptions function.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> inf = np.float('inf')
>>> A = np.array([[0,1,4,inf,3],[1,0,2,inf,4],[4,2,0,1,5],[inf,inf,1,0,3],[3,4,5,3,0]])

The following option:

>>> np.set_printoptions(infstr="(infinity)")

Results in:

>>> print(A)
[[        0.         1.         4. (infinity)         3.]
 [        1.         0.         2. (infinity)         4.]
 [        4.         2.         0.         1.         5.]
 [(infinity) (infinity)         1.         0.         3.]
 [        3.         4.         5.         3.         0.]]

The following option:

>>> np.set_printoptions(formatter={'float': "\t{: 0.0f}\t".format})

Results in:

>>> print(A)
[[   0       1       4       inf     3  ]
 [   1       0       2       inf     4  ]
 [   4       2       0       1       5  ]
 [   inf     inf     1       0       3  ]
 [   3       4       5       3       0  ]]

If you just want to have a specific string output for a specific array, the function numpy.array2string is also available.

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