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Java Applet Image Load

I want to display an image icon in my applet.I created a package resources and saved my image in it.This is what i tried :-

Image logo;//I declare globally
logo = getImage("logo.jpg");//I initialize in the constructor

And i use this proceedure

 public Image getImage(String name){
                URL imgUrl = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("resources/"+name);
                ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(imgUrl);
                return icon.getImage();

 public void paint(Graphics g)
             if (logo!=null){
                    g.drawImage(logo, 30, 30, null);
             g.drawString("Hwllo", 12, 12);

Then i call the:

repaint() //In the Constructor

But i dont see an image or my String.What might be the problem.Moreover is there any easier method to load images in the Applet??

You setting the URL to the

URL imgUrl = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("resources/"+name);
ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(imgUrl);

But while Calling paint method, you are calling the logo variable

 g.drawImage(logo, 30, 30, this);

The problem is in your setting URL value, set URL to your logo variable like

URL url = new URL(/*Your resources herre*/, /*Your file name here*/);

After that display image using paint method.

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