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Can not execute Xpath with Intellij Idea

I try to execute xpath expression in web.xml in Intellij Idea

Xpath Expression



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app  version="2.4" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee"
    <display-name>Archetype Created Web Application</display-name>



And I have no results. Moreover Idea highlight param-value as it does not exist and when I clik ctrl+space I see no tags! I try use this plugin in another project and another xml - it works, but in that case it is not.

Any ideas? May be I missed some configuration?


I remove attributes from web-app tag and expression start works. But Why?

Firstly, the param-value element is in a namespace, but your XPath expression is looking for it in no namespace. Typically you want an expression such as //j:param-value where the prefix j is bound to the namespace http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee - you'll have to check the IntelliJ documentation to see how to do that.

Secondly, your param-value elements do not have a child element called email . If you want the value of the associated param-name element to be "email", that would be


Try following:

  1. Open evaluate Xpath window (ctrl + shift + a: Evaluate Xpath)
  2. Click Advanced button
  3. Add uri with prefix (on the screenshot below I have added Maven POM namespace with "pom" prefix)
  4. Try to evaluate "/pom:project" xpath on any pom.xml (notice that now IntelliJ autocompletes pom elements)


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