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Set focus to child in web user control

I've created a web user control for phone number entry that has 3 text boxes for the area-code, number, and extension. The text boxes are in a table for positioning and the table is inside a span. In the page that uses the control I have <asp:Label ID="Label6" runat="server" AssociatedControlID="uxPhoneNumber">Phone</asp:Label>

What I want to do is set the focus to the area-code input when the associated label is clicked on. Does the web user control get the focus when the label is clicked, or can I change the html in the ascx so this works? I have tried adding onfocus() to the <span> tag, and the <table> tag so I can use a javascript to set the focus, but the event is not raised. If I move the onfocus() event to the first input it fires and my script runs

Here is the complete ascx code.

<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="PhoneNumber.ascx.cs" Inherits="CustomControls.PhoneNumber" %>
<span id="uxPhoneNumberControl" runat="server" style="display: inline-block;" onfocus="setInitialFocus()">
    <asp:Table ID="uxPhoneNumberTable" runat="server">
        <asp:TableRow runat="server">
            <asp:TableCell runat="server">
                <telerik:RadMaskedTextBox ID="uxAreaCode" runat="server" Columns="3" Mask="###" CssClass="span1" Skin="" MaxLength="3"></telerik:RadMaskedTextBox>
            <asp:TableCell runat="server">
                <telerik:RadMaskedTextBox ID="uxPhoneNumber" runat="server" Mask="###-####" Skin="" Columns="10" CssClass="input-mini" MaxLength="8"></telerik:RadMaskedTextBox>
            <asp:TableCell runat="server">
                <asp:Label ID="uxExtensionLabel" runat="server" Text="Ext." AssociatedControlID="uxExtension" CssClass="controls-label"></asp:Label>
            <asp:TableCell runat="server">
                <telerik:RadMaskedTextBox ID="uxExtension" runat="server" Columns="5" Mask="#####" Skin="" CssClass="span1"></telerik:RadMaskedTextBox>
    <asp:HiddenField ID="uxPhoneEntity" runat="server" />

Try attaching a jQuery click event to the span and then setting focus to the input, like this:


Note: I have put a general name of InputID in the focus() call, because I am not able to tell what ID or class you are using to uniquely identify the area code input control you want to set focus towards.

Your setInitialFocus() function should look something like this:

function setInitialFocus()
    var area = document.getElementById("<%=uxAreaCode.ClientID%>");
    return true;

This locates the uxAreaCode object and forces it to take focus.

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