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Error in exposing c# DLL to VB6

I would like to ask how will I properly exposed my C# DLL to vb6. The purpose of exposing the dll is to consume a WCF service for a VB6 Application since it cant consume directly the Wcf Service.

Below is the code in c#

public class TestBillerV10 : ITestBillerV10Service
    TestBillerInquiry.TestBillerInquiryClient _TestBillerInquiry;

    public TestBillerV10()
        _TestBillerInquiry = new TestBillerInquiry.TestBillerInquiryClient();
        System.Net.ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false;

    /// <summary>
    /// Inquire if account no is valid or not
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="accountNo">Account No. to check</param>
    /// <param name="userId">User Id of the terminal</param>
    /// <returns>string array Index[0] = response Code(Yes/No), Index[1] = Description for Response, Index[2] = Error Code if response code is No</returns>
    public string[] Inquiry(string accountNo, string userId)
        var newInquiry = new TestBillerInquiry.TestBillerInquiryRequest {AccountNumber = accountNo, UserId= userId };
        TestBillerInquiry.TestBillerInquiryResponse response = _TestBillerInquiry.Inquiry(newInquiry);
        var retVal = new string[3];
        retVal[0] = response.Response;
        retVal[1] = response.Message;
        retVal[2] = response.Error;
        return retVal;

and simple interface below

/// <summary>
    /// Inquire if account no is valid or not
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="accountNo">Account No. to check</param>
    /// <param name="userId">User Id of the terminal</param>
    /// <returns>string array Index[0] = response Code(Yes/No), Index[1] = Description for Response, Index[2] = Error Code if response code is No</returns>
    public interface ITestBillerV10Service
        string[] Inquiry(string accountNo, string userId);

Below is how I try to consume it on vb6 but it returns a

runtime erro 429 which says Acvtive X component cant create object.

Dim testBillerV10 As V10Bridge.testBillerV10
Set testBillerV10 = New testBillerV10

Try 2 changes. First your class needs a ProgID attribute (and I don't use ComSourceInterfaces so I got rid of it):

public class TestBillerV10 : ITestBillerV10Service

Your interface needs a Guid and InterfaceType :

public interface ITestBillerV10Service

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