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Angular directive name: only lower case letters allowed?

My code:

app.directive('abcabc', function (){ alert('directive');}); // working


app.directive('abcAbc', function (){ alert('directive');}); // not working !
app.directive('abc-abc', function (){ alert('directive');}); // not working !

Am I doing wrong? Or there are special naming rules for Angular directive?

AngularJS attempts to make everyone happy!

Some people prefer to use data attributes, like data-abc-abc , I assume to keep validators happy. Other people prefer to use namespaces like abc:abc , and others prefer to use the actual directive name abcAbc . Or even all caps ABC_ABC . Or extension attributes like x-abc-abc .

AngularJS normalises the name used in HTML to attempt to cover all of these cases. data- and x- are stripped, the remainder camelcased with : , - and _ as word boundaries. This makes abcAbc from the cases mentioned above, which is used to look up the directive declared in JavaScript.

This is all called attribute normalisation (US: attribute normalization) and can be found in the AngularJS documentation and source code .

You should use dash-separated names inside the html and camelCase for the corresponding name in the directive.

As you can read on the doc: Angular uses name-with-dashes for attribute names and camelCase for the corresponding directive name)

Here: http://docs.angularjs.org/tutorial/step_00

好吧,指令名称必须全部小写,至少在AngularJS版本1.4.9中,否则我得到一个$ inject无法找到错误

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