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How to set bean property to property of another bean

This is my spring configuration file :

   <bean id="controller" class="com.sample.controller.Controller">
       <property name="message" value="Controller1"/>
   <bean id="controller2" class="com.sample.controller.Controller2">
       <property name="message" value="#{controller.message}"/>

And the code :

 ApplicationContext context = 
         new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("beans.xml");

  Controller obj = (Controller) context.getBean("controller");

  obj.message = "Controller1 changed!";

  Controller2 obj2 = (Controller2) context.getBean("controller2");

I wanted the output to be :

Controller1 changed!

but it is


Is there a simpler way to get the updated value other than injecting Controller into Controller1?

Thank you.

define property message as bean it self

<bean id="message" class="java.lang.String">
    <constructor-arg value="Controller1"/>

and change the original bean configuration

   <bean id="controller" class="com.sample.controller.Controller">
       <property name="message" ref="message"/>
   <bean id="controller2" class="com.sample.controller.Controller2">
       <property name="message" ref="message"/>

Now change the message in java code by

  String obj = (String) context.getBean("message");

and add it back to context

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