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Decode URL after redirect link

I have a url1 that not be encoded

String url1="http://bitake.com/params/?attribute=3"

And here url2( url after redirect of url1) be encoded

String url2="http://search.bitake.com/params/?attr=48%e6%99%82%e9%96%93%e3%82"

I use this link to open browswer with Intent

Intent browserIntent = new Intent("android.intent.action.VIEW",   

I want to get url2 from url1 by code..Then decode url2 to can open in web How must I do?

i think your url1 is not a valid url. Can not decode to a valid url neither by utf8 nor GB

You URL1 is not a valid URL. URLDecoder.decode(string url) is deprecated. You should use URLDecode.decode(String url, String enc) where enc is the character encoding.

Also % must be encoded as %25

public class DecodeTest
   public static void main(String[] args)

      String url="http://bitake.com/params/?attribute=3";

      String url1="http://search.bitake.com/params/?attr=48%25e6%2599%2582%25e9%2596%2593%25e3%2582%25";

         System.out.println(URLDecoder.decode(url1, "UTF-8"));
      catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)

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