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converting c# code to powershell where it needs to consume dllimport

Say I have following c# code but now I need to convert to PowerShell. I got the DllImport piece but the c# code also has the static extern piece to it. Do I need to have same declaration in Powershell. If yes, could you guide me to correct syntax in powershell.


[DllImport(@"C:\PDFConv\bin\Conv2PDF.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern UInt32 ProcessConv(UInt32 val, string lpSourcePath, String lpSourceFile, string lpDestPath, string lpDestFile);

private void btnConvert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  ProcessConv(1, "C:\\source", "test.docx", "C:\\dest\\pdf", "test.pdf");

除了Lee Holmes博客CB提到的内容外,请查看有关Add-Type的帮助,特别是示例5。

man Add-Type -Examples

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