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change div background color on shift + click (javascript)?

I already have onclick event for changing border color of a div on mouse click.

I want to be able to change background color separately on shift + click, without changing border colors.

How to achieve this?


the current code for multiple clicks and shift+click:

var linkClick = 1; 
  function update_x(obj){ 
  if (linkClick == 1){obj.style.border = 'solid 1px #eeeeee';};
  if (linkClick == 2){obj.style.border = 'solid 1px red'};
  if (linkClick == 3){obj.style.border = 'solid 1px rgba(50, 255, 50, 1)'};
  if (linkClick == 4){obj.style.border = 'solid 1px rgba(70, 180, 255, 1)'};
  if (linkClick == 5){obj.style.border = 'solid 1px yellow'};
  if (linkClick >5 ) {obj.style.border = 'solid 1px #555555'; linkClick=0};
function changeDivColor (event) {
    event = event || window.event;
    var myDiv = document.getElementById("b14")
    if (event.shiftKey == true) {
        myDiv.style.backgroundColor = "blue";  
window.onload = function () {
    document.getElementById("b14").onclick = function (event) {
        changeDivColor (event);

edit2 - solved by Jeffman

In your onclick , make sure you refer to the event , eg if you're using an attribute:

<div onclick="clickHandler(event);" ... >

or if you're assigning it later:

divElement.onclick = function(event) {
    event = event || window.event; // Support for older IE
    // ...

or if you're really using addEventListener and just said onclick as a kind of shorthand:

divelement.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
    // ...
}, false);

Then you can refer to the event.shiftKey flag to tell whether Shift is down.

Live Example | Live Source

More in the spec .

Latest code. See it work here: http://jsfiddle.net/jeffman/Y3QET/

var linkClick = 1; 
function update_x(obj) { 
    if (linkClick == 1){obj.style.border = 'solid 1px #eeeeee';};
    if (linkClick == 2){obj.style.border = 'solid 1px red'};
    if (linkClick == 3){obj.style.border = 'solid 1px rgba(50, 255, 50, 1)'};
    if (linkClick == 4){obj.style.border = 'solid 1px rgba(70, 180, 255, 1)'};
    if (linkClick == 5){obj.style.border = 'solid 1px yellow'};
    if (linkClick >5 ) {obj.style.border = 'solid 1px #555555'; linkClick=0};

function changeDivColor (el, event) {
    if (event.shiftKey == true) {
        el.style.backgroundColor = "blue";  
window.onload = function () {
    var i = 1, len = 5; // len is the number of elements using the b1 id pattern
    for (i; i <= len; i++) {
        document.getElementById("b" + i).onclick = function (event) {
            event = event || window.event;
            changeDivColor (this, event);
            update_x(this); // or whatever your other function is.


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