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Change div background color on click event

I am trying to change div color on click but it is not working:

            function data(){
                var MyDiv1 = document.getElementById('newdata').innerHTML;
                if(MyDiv1==1) {
                    document.getElementsById('newdata').style.backgroundColor = "green";
    <body >
        <div id="newdata" style="background-color: red; width: 100px;height: 50px;">
        <a href="#" onclick="data();">Logout</a>

Where am I wrong here?

Any help will be appreciated

    <body >
        <div id="newdata" style="background-color: red; width: 100px;height: 50px;">
        <a href="#" onclick="data();">Logout</a>
       function data(){

       document.getElementById('newdata').style.backgroundColor = "green";



1) Script at the end;

2) Element not Elements

3) Call the right div name

4) That alert and if don't have a purpose

it should be newdata

 document.getElementById('newdata').style.backgroundColor = "green";

so your function will be

function data(){
                var MyDiv1 = document.getElementById('newdata').innerHTML;
                if(MyDiv1==1) {
                    document.getElementById('newdata').style.backgroundColor = "green";

There were a couple of problems with your attempt. The following snippet does what you want:

 function data(){ var myDiv = document.getElementById('newdata'); var content = myDiv.innerHTML; if (content.trim() === "1") { myDiv.style.backgroundColor = "green"; } } 
 <div id="newdata" style="background-color: red; width: 100px;height: 50px;"> 1 </div> <a href="#" onclick="data();">Logout</a> 
Firstly, you must be careful to distinguish between your <div> element and its contents. I have put the two into separate variables. I have used .trim() to remove any leading and trailing spaces from the contents of the <div> and also used the strict comparison === .

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