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Eucalyptus cloud volume related error log

I have created a volume and when I tried to attach the volume, I run this command:

euca-attach-volume -i i-3C66428A -d /dev/sdf vol-639C3E6C

After theat when I tried euca-describe-volumes it says failed. I have checked my cc.log but it seems like it has no error in it. So where should I look for to keep track of volume related error?

Can you check for errors on the NC (/var/log/eucalyptus/nc.log) where the instance is running as well as the SC logs (/var/log/eucalyptus/cloud-output.log) ?

To know more on the exact workflow that happens behind the scene when you request a volume attach in Eucalyptus please refer to following


For a more detailed guide around EBS in Eucalyptus 3.3.0 specifically please refer to following link


Hope this is useful.

Cheers! Deependra

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