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put a vector in a matrix in opencv

I have a vector of points and I want to put the value 255 for each point in a matrix , here what I've tried, it didn't work

cv::Mat result;
result =cv::Mat::zeros(frame.size(),CV_8UC1);
std::vector<cv::Point2f> vectorOFPoints;
    for ( int i = 0 ; vectorOFPoints.size()-1;i++){
                result.at<uchar>(vectorOFPoints.at<i>) = 255; 

any idea how can I do this ? thanks in advance

You line in the loop is wrong, it should be

result.at<uchar>(vectorOFPoints.at<cv::Point2f>(i)) = 255;

But you may need you point type to be cv::Point instead of cv::Point2f (Don't know how it works with cv::Point2f)

std::vector<cv::Point> vectorOFPoints;
/* Code */
/* Loop */
result.at<uchar>(vectorOFPoints.at<cv::Point>(i)) = 255;

I think this may work (Didn't tested though)

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