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Remove all breakpoints from chrome

I had enabled some break points in Chrome's developer tools for Javascript and now I can not delete them.
Any time I switch to the Developer view I always hit a breakpoint which is really annoying.
Strangely enough in some cases I did not put any break point where it stops. It is a different code alltogether.
How can I remove all the breakpoints?

It sounds like you've told Chrome to break on all exceptions. On the sources tab, at the bottom left, there are a series of buttons:

Chrome 左下角工具的屏幕截图,带有圈出的异常中断按钮

The one I've circled (a filled hexagon with two vertical lines in it) cycles between breaking on all exceptions, on just uncaught exceptions, and not breaking at all. Click it until it's black (not blue or purple).

For other breakpoints, they're on the right-hand side under the category "Breakpoints" (you probably knew that :-) ). Right-click and choose "Remove all breakpoints".

在此处输入图片说明 在此处输入图片说明

You can activate/deactivate breakpoints with ctrl-F8 (Chrome version 49) There is a:

        "deactivate  / activate"

crossed over black arrow / blue arrow

above the watch pane, There is a list of breakpoints below

Watch, Call stack, Scope where you can activate/deactivate breakpoints individually


Right click in this list, and you can remove all breakpoints.

You can right-click on any breakpoints in the Source tab and click on Remove breakpoint or right-click on the right side on Breakpoints section and Remove all breakpoints !


On Google Chrome 78.0.3904.87 (Official Build) (64-bit)

  1. Either right click on Any XHR or fetch of
  2. Or un-check the checkbox
  3. It will also show the list of break points you put



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