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Ajax Post request to a Jax-rs service

I'm trying to do a simple post request from a browser and 415 Unsupported Media is show in browser's console, in the console it says too that the Type is text/html , maybe I'm mising something stupid here but seriously I'm doing post request from an android client and everything is find with the server side, so i guess (since I'm not familiar with js) it's a javascript problem I'm having here, here are the portions of interest of the code:

ajax (this function is called send and it does some things before to create the json, that part it's ok and tested, the json is being genereated successfully):

        url: 'webresources/serverConfig/save/',
        type: 'post',
        data: jsonObj

how i call the javascript in the HTML form:

<form action="javascript:send()"  method="post">

JAX-rs service:

public class ConfigurationSaverService {

    public void save(Configuration configuration){
    //config stuffs here.

Edit: due to @adrianplattner's answer, it's important to say that I'm using glassfish 4.0 , so i didn't need to add jersey's dependencies, I also try glashfish 3.1 and still get the same HTTP error.

EDIT 2: Header:

 headers: { 
    'Accept': 'application/json',
    'Content-Type': 'application/json' 

you can add jersey dependency:


that should resolve ur problem

Default Content-Type of jQuery.ajax() call is application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8 application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8 (see documentation ) but you're expecting to consume application/json in your JAX-RS resource. Set the contentType parameter of your call to application/json .

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