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How do I enable smart HTML tag indenting in Sublime Text 3?

I don't remember exactly when this functionality stopped working, but I always had Sublime Text do auto indenting properly. For example, if I type <div> and then press Enter , the caret would automatically make a tab on the next line. Similarly, when I closed tags, they would automatically un-indent by one tab (such as when pressing alt + . in order to close a tag).

This functionality seems to have disappeared, at least in ST3, and I can't find any way to get it back. Anyone have any ideas?

Edit: it might be useful to add that PHP auto-indenting works just fine, such as making indentation between brackets.

You can install "Tag" plugin using package control . This question suggests the plugin has issues, but I haven't noticed any that would be a problem.

Possible duplicate:

How do I reformat HTML code using Sublime Text 2?

See dardub 's answer...

OR better yet (just noticed that!) peter 's answer:

Just select all lines ( Ctrl + A ) and then from the menu select Edit → Line → Reindent. This will work if your file is saved with an extension that contains HTML like .html or .php.

** for me it worked on ST3

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