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Application and module name though JNDI in WebSphere 7

I have an EAR application in a cell with two web modules, each web module has a servlet.

I want to get through JNDI the application and module name when I request each servlet.

I have tried with:

String applicationName = (String) new InitialContext()

String moduleName = (String) new InitialContext()

Did't work. app and module are not found in java: .

I found this example in a webpage, maybe this works for WebSphere 8 but not for 7.

I tried to found an entry with the app or module name in java:comp/env but I didn't found any.

  • How could I get the application name from the Application Server ?
  • And the module name ?
  • There is a better way than though JNDI ?

Thanks in advance.

One way I can think of for application level would be to specify an <env-entry> in the web.xml of your application. Websphere will ask you to specify the value on deployment but it will use whatever you put in web.xml as the default.

For example:


Then you can look this value up through JNDI using java:comp/env/AppName .

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