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Non-contiguous time series in Highcharts

I would like to create a zoomable time series chart of the number of Tweets that an an account posted per day. My server returns data for the dates where Tweets occurred, that looks like this:


 "2009-01-12", 3 

], [

 "2009-01-15", 1 

], [

 "2009-01-16", 1 

], [

 "2009-01-30", 2 


I know that the ISO 8601 date can be converted with Date.parsedate() . Can I register it as a callback to convert the dates? How can I create a zoomable chart with irrigular intervals?

You just need to loop through your array and parse that date to get timestamp, for example:

var parsedDate = [];
for(var i = 0; i < your_array.length; i++){
    var t = your_array[i],
        d = (new Date(t[0])).getTime();
    parsedData.push([d, t[1]]);

And then assign to series data in options:

series: [{
    data: parsedData;

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