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How to import an existing bare git repository into Gitlab?

I import my bare git repository into Gitlab as described as here , because it was not recognized as an git repository, but creates a 94K big 'empty' repo (the original is 2,8GB big):

$ bundle exec rake gitlab:import:repos RAILS_ENV=production
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
Processing test.git
INFO: Sidekiq client using redis://localhost:6379 with options:namespace=>"resque:gitlab"}
 * Created test (test.git)

As a workaround I replace the empty project folder (which was created by import trial) with my bare repo. Afterwards I tree to clone the repo from remote and get the following error:

$ git clone git@mydomain.com:...test.git
Cloning into 'test'
fatal: '...test.git' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

But the git user should have all rights which are needed. -Maybe I have something overlooked?

My System: RHEL6.3, Git, Gitlab5.3.

Does Gitlab need a normal repository (non-bare)? Or what could be my problem?

Does Gitlab need a normal repository (non-bare)?

No, all repos managed by gitlab are bare repos.

You should see:


Make sure the rights of your test.git folder (and bare repo files within it) are the same than the existing bare repos under /home/git/repositories/ .

If the import doesn't work, then "replace the empty project folder (which was created by import trial) with my bare repo" should.

But: you need to make sure any hook which was in the empty bare repo created by GitLab (in ~git/repositories/arepo.git/hooks ) is copied over your full bare repo replacing the empty one (same path).
Check also what was in ~git/repositories/arepo.git/info and ~git/repositories/arepo.git/config

To debug, try first to clone the empty bare repo created by GitLab during the failed import.
Then replace it with your own, double-check the hooks and try again.

As mentioned by the OP and documented in GitLab " Trouble Shooting Guide ", the correct ssh url is:


with :repositories mentioned.

To import bare repos (as mentioned by Sytse Sijbrandij below and in raketasks/import.md )

  • copy your bare repos under git repos_path (see config/gitlab.yml gitlab_shell -> repos_path )
  • run the command below

     bundle exec rake gitlab:import:repos RAILS_ENV=production 

For me the location to copy the repository is - /var/opt/gitlab/git-data/repositories

I copied my existing bare repository in above dir and ran >gitlab-rake gitlab:import:repos it worked!!!

I have it! It was a missing directory in my ssh path. This issue was already tracked here .

Sorry, but the error messages were not so obviously. I hope this can help other Gitlab-beginners like me :)

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