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Ignore signals in csh on startup

I'm still fairly new to Linux, but I'm even newer to the notions of SSH and PUTTY. After I SSH into a linux box, I fire off the following command:

csh -c 'cd /; set echo off; set term=dumb; set echo on; pwd; csh -i'

This is all well and good except for the headaches caused by signal interrupts, such as Ctrl+C. I did research and came to the following conclusions:

  1. In csh, onintr - can be used to block signals in a given script. This got me thinking about putting onintr - into the cshrc file: That way it would be executed each time I run the above command. But that line is only local to one script, so it wouldn't have any real global effect like I wanted.

  2. I found that bash, unlike csh, has the trap command - a non-script-specific command that will redefine how certain signals are handled during the entire shell session. command. So I tried launching bash instead and modifying the code to fit. Looking at the bash man pages, I interpreted that bash -c behaves in much of the same way as csh -c so to replicate the above command, I tried to replace csh with bash and append trap "" 2 to the command.

Therefore, the full command would be:

bash -c' cd /; set echo off; set term=dumb; set echo on; pwd; bash -i; trap "" 2'

But bash -c does not necessarily behave like csh -c , at least in this instance.

I'm at odds about how to go about resolving this issue. How can I have the shell ignore Ctrl+C by default? Should I put onintr - into cshrc? Or would I be better off using bash and running the trap command? How should I go about implementing the better solution?

Although I don't fully see why you would use a statement such as

bash -c ' cd /; set echo off; set term=dumb; set echo on; pwd; bash -i;'

You could just place trap before the bash -i , as to keep bash -i from receiving the signal, like in the following:

bash -c ' cd /; set echo off; set term=dumb; set echo on; pwd; trap "" 2; bash -i;'

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